In 2023, 78% of enrollees were in MA plans with meal benefits.*
Did your MA plan get its share of enrollees?
Get the planning guide that shows you how.
CMS is expecting Medicare to provide equitable, high-quality affordable care and is emphasizing this request through rate changes starting in 2024. Plus, member satisfaction is critical in today’s highly competitive MA market. Food and nutrition benefits design is part of an effective solution to both.
A Mom’s Meals® MA members survey finds of those who received our medically tailored, home-delivered meals (HDMs):
- 97% were more likely to retain their health plan in 2023
- 70% of HDM recipients felt supplemental benefits were significantly important when considering a health plan
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Improving Outcomes and Star Ratings Through Food and Nutrition Benefits Design gives you:
- Important CMS updates and its effects on health plans
- Practical and proven ways to address health equity and social determinants of health
- Research and case studies on the impact of medically tailored HDMs on total cost of care, star ratings, and member satisfaction and engagement