Enhance your Medicare Advantage star ratings

The Five-Star Quality Rating System from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has undergone many changes over the years.

An important change is CMS doubled the weight of patient experience measures used to calculate star ratings1. Although this change will impact star ratings for plans in 2024, those ratings will be based on care delivered now.

Resources to help boost star ratings

In today’s highly competitive Medicare Advantage (MA) market, plans have become hyper-focused on improving patient experience as a means to a five-star rating and, in turn, heightened enrollment. In 2022, 90% of enrollees were in plans with quality ratings of four or more stars.2

Use these resources to help boost your health plan’s star ratings and get your piece of the market.

Complete the form in the green box to get the free white paper: Using nutrition to enhance Medicare Advantage star ratings

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As a leading national provider of refrigerated, home-delivered meals and nutrition services, our Mom’s Meals team:

  • Works with hundreds of health plans nationwide, including MA and Medicaid plans, that have a home-delivered meals benefit or plan to launch one
  • Has deep knowledge of legislative policy surrounding nutrition services to populations in need
  • Is passionate about improving health outcomes for those we serve

Let’s work together to launch a home-delivered meals program to help boost your star ratings.



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Download our FREE whitepaper: Using nutrition to enhance Medicare Advantage star ratings

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