The power of meal choice is yours with Moms Meals®

The power of meal choice is yours with Mom's Meals®

August 15, 2023

What’s there to eat? One day chicken teriyaki stir fry sounds good, the next day maybe it’s meatloaf. It’s nice to have meal options. That’s why with Mom’s Meals, the power of choice is yours.

When you order from Mom’s Meals, you can choose every meal in every delivery, so you get what you like — and need. Or you can select the menu type that fits your preferences and dietary needs. It’s that easy.

Why is there power in meal choices?

There are many great reasons why we offer so many menu options and regularly expand our meal choices. Here are just six:

  1. Most importantly, customers tell us they want variety — and we like to deliver!
  2. People have different taste preferences, so we work hard to offer meals to accommodate many palates.
  3. People with special nutritional requirements need easy access to quality food that supports their health condition and that they enjoy.
  4. When you choose your own meals, you’re more likely to eat the full meal and get the nutrition you need to stay healthy.
  5. More choice means less food waste. Getting the Mom’s Meals menu items you want means you'll probably finish the meal and can avoid throwing food away
  6. Less waste is also cost efficient. For example, other programs have a preset pack of meals you receive. You may not like two of the five from the preset pack and not eat those two. The uneaten meals increase the cost of meals eaten per package.
  7. Choosing your meals is fun and it’s important to quality of life and independence.

What kind of choices are there?

We offer more than 60 ready-to-heat-and-eat meal options. Since many people have chronic health conditions — like diabetes or heart disease — that require medically tailored nutrition we have nine health condition menus to choose from:

  • Cancer support
  • Diabetes friendly
  • General wellness
  • Gluten free
  • Heart Friendly
  • Lower Sodium
  • Pureed
  • Renal Friendly
  • Vegetarian

Created by registered dietitians and professional chefs, our refrigerated meals are designed to not only taste great, but to provide quality nutrition as well.

But don’t just take our word for it. A recent customer survey showed:

Customer Care Satisfaction

With Mom’s Meals the power of meal choice is yours. You choose every delicious meal in every delivery. Get started — explore our menus.

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