A well-balanced diet includes a variety of fruits. Fruit is a delicious way to increase your vitamin and mineral intake. According to MyPlate, a federal nutrition guideline published by the USDA, all forms of fruit contribute to your daily intake. This includes:
- fresh
- frozen
- canned
- dried/dehydrated
- pureed
- cooked
- juiced
The benefits of fruits
MyPlate also shares that fruits are low in fat, sodium, calories and cholesterol. They also contain important nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber and vitamin C. Potassium is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure. It is found in foods such as bananas, prunes, dried peaches. Apricots, cantaloupe and orange juice also contain Potassium.
Dietary fiber can decrease cholesterol levels. It may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. It can also help with bowel function. Whole fruits like berries, pears and apples are high in fiber.
Vitamin C is needed for good wound healing, iron absorption, and gum health. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and limes.
How much fruit should you eat?
Adults should consume 1.5-2 cups of fruit per day. Try to make at least half of the fruit you eat whole fruit. Whole fruit can be fresh or frozen. For example, fresh and frozen strawberries have the same calories, vitamin and mineral content.
Easy ways to add fruit to your diet: 
- Top Greek yogurt or oatmeal with sliced fruit for breakfast
- Drink a glass of 100% fruit juice with lunch
- Keep sliced fresh fruit in containers in your fridge for easy snack preparation
- Blend fruit smoothies for snacks or breakfast
- Make a fruit-based dessert to eat after dinner
- Infuse water with fruit
- Make trail mix with dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate for a sweet snack
Fruits to avoid during certain situations
It is important to note that some fruits may interfere with commonly prescribed medications. Some may even be dangerous after receiving an organ transplant. Speak with your health care providers for your specific needs.
Avoid cranberry when taking:
Avoid grapefruit when taking:
- Amiodarone
- Atorvastatin
- Carbamazepine
- Felodipine
- Simvastatin
- Tacrolimus
Mom’s Meals® is an easy way to up your fruit intake
Mom’s Meals® includes fruit in many convenient ways such as part of entrées and packaged separately as a side or snack item. We have some delicious fruit medleys, along with oranges, applesauce and 100% juice. Try our nutritious meals with fruit options in your order.