Moms Meals Reaches the Hard to Reach Annual Hunger Challenge

Mom's Meals Reaches the Hard to Reach: Annual Hunger Challenge

February 04, 2020

We know that better health begins with the food we eat, but for the 14-million Americans that face the threat of hunger, managing health conditions or even getting the right nutrition can be especially difficult.

At Mom’s Meals, we take nutrition seriously, and want to do all we can to get healthy meals to those who need them most. As we continue to partner with many of you for supporting covered benefits (for example, through Medicare Advantage plans under Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill [SSBCI] and Home & Community Based Services under Medicaid), we recognize that other individuals suffer food insecurity who may not have access to those benefits. Every year, we turn to our partners on the front lines for the annual Mom’s Meals Hunger Challenge. Case managers identify clients, members, and other individuals concerned with food security, and they look for ways Mom’s Meals can help. We are proud to report that by the 2019 holiday season, hundreds of Mom’s Meals partners found ways to make a difference.

From hosting a holiday dinner for a dozen soldiers returning from their deployment, to providing meals to a homeless woman struggling with addiction and waiting for rehab placement, Mom's Meals helped case managers provide food to those most in need.

"We were touched by the heartwarming stories, notes, and photos brought forward by so many who participated in the Mom’s Meals Hunger Challenge,” explained Tim Conroy, National Vice President, Government and Healthcare Partnerships. “The positive feedback proves how much we can do together. This is only the beginning!”

The Mom's Meals extended family kicked off 2020 with new inspiration and rekindled passion for all that we've done and all that we will continue to do in bringing nutritious meals to those who need them most, particularly those managing health conditions.

Stay tuned for more updates about our ongoing efforts as we work together to reduce the threat of food insecurity.

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