Remember when your Mom used to bug you about eating your vegetables when you were a child? Well, in my case the shoe is now on the other foot. My 80ish young at heart mother does not like to eat vegetables. Nor does she like to cook. Her meals consist of supermarket takeout or restaurant leftovers or, sigh!, slices of cake and pie. She has a wicked sweet tooth. I worry she is too thin and malnourished; she brushes it off as earning the right at her age to eat whatever she wants if it tastes good.
If you are like me, living many miles away from an elderly parent, you may worry whether or not your loved one is eating properly. My mother loves sweets and snacks and does not like to cook or eat alone at home. I am constantly giving her tips on healthy eating, remind her that pie and cake are not intended to be main courses, and I worry about her choking on food since she talks with her mouth full (and she loves to chatter!).
But which service is best for your parent? Mom’s Meals has 8 health specific menus to address a variety of dietary issues. One option to make sure your elderly parent is receiving a nutritious meals on a regular basis is to set him/her up with a subscription to Mom’s Meals and pay for it.
*Excerpt of blog by Melanie Young: author & radio show host of Fearless Fabulous You!