Aging in place made possible by home-delivered meals

Aging in place made possible by home-delivered meals

February 21, 2019

Making a meal, driving to the dentist, and taking a shower – they’re things most adults do without thinking twice. But as people reach their 70s and 80s, these activities become more challenging, even unmanageable.

As health and mobility wane, so does independence. At this point, some senior citizens, who have the means to do so, move to senior living facilities. But most senior citizens opt to “age in place,” or live where they choose – usually at their own home. In fact, an AARP study shows that about three-fourths of people want to stay in their homes as they age.

Managing ADLs

Aging in place offers the comforts of home and often proximity to family and friends who provide support and camaraderie. But aging in place also presents challenges around managing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). ADLs include:

  • eating
  • bathing
  • dressing
  • walking
  • toilet hygiene

To help seniors age in place and manage ADLs, community initiatives, government programs, and many companies offer services to make living at home longer possible. Home modification programs make houses more accessible for seniors with mobility issues, and transportation services help seniors who don’t drive. Some of the most popular services for seniors aging in place provide home-delivered meals.

Meal delivery makes a difference

Home-delivered meal services are particularly effective – and popular – programs because they do “double duty.” Most importantly, they provide regular access to nutritious food which is fundamental to independence and ongoing health. Between mobility, transportation, and health issues, seniors often have trouble accessing or preparing the nutritious meals they need. It’s not uncommon for seniors, especially those living alone, to eat a quick piece of toast or some convenient, but highly processed snack foods, for dinner. Without proper nutrition, senior citizens are at risk for a host of health issues that can lead to even bigger problems. Home-delivered meals solve the nutrition access issue.

Studies show that beyond nutrition, home-delivered meals also help with another problem facing senior citizens, especially those who live solo: loneliness. One study by researchers at Brown University showed that seniors who get home-delivered meals report being less lonely than those who don’t, because they had regular interaction with someone and they were being check up on.

Mom’s Meals NourishCare has been helping senior citizens maintain their independence by delivering nutritious, home-delivered meals for nearly 20 years. What sets the Mom’s Meals NourishCare program apart from many home-delivery meal services is that it lets participants choose every meal they order. Because they’re selecting foods they like and have the option to order meals tailored to their health conditions, senior citizens using Mom’s Meals NourishCare are more likely to eat the meals they receive and get the nutrition they need. In fact, 90 percent of them indicate that they either “always” or “almost always” eat the main entrée. Here’s more information about Mom’s Meals NourishCare.

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