Our Locations

United States Map

  • Georgia
    • Conyers

      Conyers GeorgiaThe newest fulfillment center in the Mom’s Meals family, our Conyers center is one of four similar facilities across the United States. Here, you’ll find members of the Mom’s Meals Fulfillment team working around the clock to sort, package, and ship thousands of meals per day to customers across the country. In order to meet the incredible demand for our meals, our fulfillment teams use state-of-the-art technology and machinery to ensure each cooler arrives to our customers with everything intact and at the right temperature. Mom’s Meals has been a part of the Conyers community since 2021.

      1940 Twin Creeks Parkway, Suite 450, Conyers, GA 30013

  • Iowa
    • Ankeny - Home Office

      The Mom’s Meals Home Office is located in the up-and-coming community of Ankeny, Iowa, just outside the Des Moines city limits. It consists of 60,000 sqft of office space and an 80,000 sqft attached fulfillment center, where many of our meals are packaged and shipped across the United States.

      Home Office

      This facility is home to many of Mom’s Meals desk-based teams, including Executive Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Compliance, Logistics, Research and Development, Finance, Human Resources, Technical Services, Customer Care Teams, Revenue Cycle, and others.

      Opened in 2014, our Home Office supports a collaborative work environment thanks to its open layout and multiple meeting rooms. It also offers two kitchenettes and a large common area for Mom’s Meals team members to gather for lunch, town halls, presentations, and other special events. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to try something new whipped up by our chefs in the on-site test kitchen.

      3210 SE Corporate Woods Dr, Ankeny, IA 50021

    • Des Moines

      Des Moines IowaOpened in 2019, our 45,000 sqft Des Moines Campus primarily houses our Customer Care teams, who provide prompt and friendly customer service to our thousands of customers across the country. You can find approximately 300+ employees working here on any given day. With large meeting and conference room spaces, this facility hosts many different company events, celebrations, and meetings.

      The Des Moines Campus is conveniently located near the friendly and thriving communities on the southern side of the Des Moines Metropolitan Area, with quick access to the airport, shopping and recreation outside work hours.

      7000 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321

    • Grinnell

      Grinnell IowaOur Grinnell Kitchen is one of two facilities that prepare the perishable food items included in our meals. Nestled in the scenic town of Grinnell, Iowa, this 40,000 sqft facility processes hundreds of thousands of pounds of food each day with the help of 200+ employees.

      Our kitchen production teams use the finest ingredients and cook them to ideal tenderness in a temperature-controlled, USDA-inspected kitchen. Our state-of-the-art tray sealing equipment ensures the meals maintain their quality and flavor for the thousands of people who rely on them every day.

      Mom’s Meals has been a part of the Grinnell community since 2013. Although this is our only kitchen facility in Iowa, it is not the first – the original Mom’s Meals kitchen was located about an hour away in Nevada, Iowa.

      810 Blakely Circle, Grinnell, IA 50112

  • Nevada
    • Las Vegas

      Las Vegas NevadaOur Las Vegas Fulfillment center is one of four similar facilities across the United States. Here, you’ll find our busy Fulfillment team working around the clock to sort, package, and ship thousands of meals per day to customers across the country. In order to meet the incredible demand for our meals, our fulfillment teams use state-of-the-art technology and machinery to ensure each cooler arrives to our customers with everything intact and at the right temperature.

      Mom’s Meals has been a part of the Las Vegas community since 2014, although this particular facility has been in use since Oct 2019 after we relocated from our previous Henderson, Nevada site (2014-2019).

      2815 W. Capovilla Avenue, Suite 100,Las Vegas, NV 89119

  • Ohio
    • North Jackson

      North Jackson OhioOur North Jackson Kitchen is one of two facilities that prepare the perishable food items included in our meals. Located in the town of North Jackson, Ohio, this facility processes hundreds of thousands of pounds of food a day with the help of 300+ employees.

      Our kitchen production teams use the finest ingredients and cook them to ideal tenderness in a temperature-controlled, USDA-inspected kitchen. Our state-of-the-art tray sealing equipment ensures the meals maintain their quality and flavor for the thousands of people who rely on them every day.

      Mom’s Meals has been a part of the North Jackson/Youngstown community since 2011. Our workforce here has grown so much over the past decade that, in 2020, the local Western Reserve Transit Authority actually added a new public bus express route to carry Mom’s Meals team members directly to and from our North Jackson facilities!

      North Jackson Ohio

      Our North Jackson Fulfillment center is one of four similar facilities across the United States. Here, you’ll find roughly 300 employees working around the clock to sort, package, and ship hundreds of thousands of meals per day to customers across the country. In order to meet the incredible demand for our meals, our fulfillment teams use state-of-the-art technology and machinery to ensure each cooler arrives to our customers with everything intact and at the right temperature.

      12485 Commissioner Dr.,North Jackson, OH 44451

  • Oklahoma
    • Oklahoma City

      Oklahoma City Oklahoma LoactionThe newest kitchen in the Mom’s Meals family, our Oklahoma City kitchen is one of three facilities that prepare and package our meals. Located on approximately 25 acres in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this 140,300 square feet facility processes hundreds of thousands of pounds of food each day with the help of 150+ employees.

      Our kitchen production teams use the finest ingredients to prepare high-quality, nutritious meals in a temperature-controlled, USDA-inspected kitchen. Our state-of-the-art sealing equipment ensures the meals are packaged to maintain their quality and flavor for the thousands of people who rely on them every day.

      Mom’s Meals joined the Oklahoma City community as an employer in 2023 when the facility began meal production.

      6849 South Rockwell Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73169

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